Thursday, August 7, 2008

Insane Stephanie meyer fans!

Yes! A little late, but I am admitting to going to the big opening of Stephanie Meyer's new book., Breaking Dawn. Last friday at 8 p.m. Kayla and I went to the wedding party at Barnes and Noble. What a show that was.......wished we could of flown somewhere to get her signature but oh well. We dealed. The show was as follows......... K dressed as party of wedding party in lovely lavendar and black. Me...went as me. Many others dressed in wedding gowns, both beautiful and dark..theri version. Many came in t-shirts with all kinds of messages about Edward and Jacob. There was a Ma And Pa there dressed as Edwards parents..........they were very cool!!! I guess they have "real" fangs. Part of their shop advertisement. Anyway...I think they won first prize. Many other crazy dresses were scene. kayla saw a lot of her colorguard friends and friends from she ditched me. I could sit and check out all the way cool people and sights!! Members of the party got to experience readings,lots of talking, chess, picture taken,waltzing and salsa dancing AND waiting for the book to be opened. We did not pre-order. Duh!! But we were encouraged to get a wrist sticker to acknowledge that we will buy a copy tonight. Sooooooooooooooo we waited and waited. By 11 ish I started to look around and realize that we weren't getting out till two am.... So I got Kayla and said we are outta here! She was disappointed.but...fear not... Walmart was on our way home and we waited 20 minutes for their opening of book and GOT IT!!!! Out the door we went 12:05 am.. Yeah us. Isn;t life grand when it goes the way you plan it????! LOL

1 comment:

The Braun Family said...

Ashley and her friend Kaye went to Walmart a little before midnight and were towards the front of the line. Evidently lots of people behind them--Walmart staff was surprised by the turnout and people went away empty handed. Not Ashley, she spent the whole next day just reading and read it from beginning to end. She loved it!