Whew! We made it through the weekend! What a tornado of one too. Friday Night.. pulled washer apart since wasn't working.....picked up Kayla from guard practice...picked Grtechen from dance practice...still working on washer.. Went to bed. Saturday..woke up Kayla to get to guard practice for big competition that evening...organized self for church ball game..went to it...WE WON!!!! 29-17 Stephanie and Gretchen made 6-7 pts each...their neighbor friend made 13 pts.. and others contributed as well! We freaked out their 3 pt shooters!!! It was awesome.
So our YW team is 3-1 and will be 4-1 before tournament. Onward we go!!!! Rushed off to G's dance competition in Fort Worth... she had four dances to do and the team did well with 3 ELITE FIRST PLACE'S and one first place. Special honors from MTV for their Hip hop performance. It was a theatrical one at that! While we were doing that Mike was helping the guard team with their floor, Kayla and her team were preparing for their competiton in Arlington... they were hoping for top honors and move up on the class list....with a 74.6 score...THEY DID IT! FIRST PLACE AND MOVED THEM UP TO TOP PLACEMENT. So...now they need to kick some butty!! So they say.... Oh and the Jack's helped me put washer together so Mike d/n have to do it. Ahhh Sunday has arrived.
Sounds like so much fun - and all I did with my Saturday was indulge myself!
We'll just call you the Energizer Bunny! Congrats to all
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