Tuesday, August 5, 2008

July -- Horse Competition

Good things finally come to K. She finally decided to compete in horse jumping even though it is sooooooooooooo warm here. She was decked out in her grab...black velvet hat, tan breeches, white long sleeve shirt, whip, boots and horse--JJ. SHe arrived 7:30 am.. and waited her turn .... noon. ugh...........ugly heat way out in country. She was melting fast. The fun wore off and she needed to be done and out of her hot clothes... but wait she warmed the horse up AND fell off 2 times!!! Oh no! Alas, her instructor said, great K, now you can jump 3 feet over bar with no regrets!!! And ....... she did. She came in 10th place out of 22 girl jumpers.

1 comment:

The Braun Family said...

Way to go Kayla! Wish we could have been there to watch.