Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Homecoming and Texas Mums

here is the mum and kayla the other picture is her showing Taylor's name on it from EFY in Texas. They still talk and talk.
It is a huge deal here and maybe somewhere else---mums on your neck from your guy or from yourself. They can be gaudy or just right. This is Kayla's second year in having one designed for her---by mom. We just added some stuff to last years and she was happy! Wait till next year--maybe a guy will make her one.......

Undefeated Volleyball team-Go Gretchen

It has been a great 8th grade volleyball year for Gretchen's team. They have 2 more games till the end of the season... then BASKETBALL. Here are a few views of her efforts as well as the teams. Also--notice the white shirt? She is a "lebarro" (spelling) which means she can come into play anytime.. anywhere and SURPRISE the other team with her talents. Cool!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Roadtrip coming soon

Have you watched the insanely funny movie Roadtrip with Raven Simon(e)? I have seen it twice and belly laughed both times. My husband and daughter are headed to Utah and Idaho Oct. 25th. Just them and the sky and the open road. If you have seen the movie roadtrip you are probably laughing right now... I know I am. The only difference is that Mike isn't wanting her to stay in Texas or have to go to our Alma Mater--- but the whole trip thing with the two of them is a hoot and a half. I wonder if Donny Osmond will happen on their trip?????Anyway off they will go to BYU-I, BYU-Utah, and Utah State/Univ. and whatever else they have time for. OMG!!! I hope they take pictures and learn to enjoy each others company---not happening right now... ...butting of the smart and bullheaded minds. So stay tuned...I know I will.

Our High School's First band Competition

Way to go Stephanie pounding the sound effects! Waiting for her place ...

Kayla and her colorguard's cool moves . Man can they move it.

The band ended with preliminaries of 4th place in the rain....drumline (percussion) got 2nd place and colorguard received 1st place. Finals were not cont'd due to massive rain. Next, homecoming parade and football game.