Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What we have done so far....

The first week of school off goes like this...

buying last minute sister gifts....
baking 8 doz. cookies....
pumping gas till after Christmas at $1.36 p/g
sleeping soundly till whenever the eyes open....
caroling to our neighbors.....
wrapping gifts so all ready for Christmas
watching Christmas holiday movies on dvd and reg. t.v.
looking at all the well decorated homes in our area...WOW!!!
And it's just Tuesday!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The week continues.........

You know the song from Sonny and Cher... "The beat goes on....? Well that is how the week is acting up. Monday was rushing around to finalize Stephanie's birthday shopping...last gift- reserved parking spot!!! Cool. Going to preschool teacher party...packing and shipping gifts to relatives and friends part 1 and spending a little time with Mike...he was off. The rest of evening was getting Kayla to winterguard and picking up Gretchen from basketball game. Tuesday worked.... and fussed around for Thursday events at school. Went to band concert for Gretchen -neat. helped with studying for twin cities test for Kayla in late evening. Wednesday hussle, hussle, hussle..... returned items not giving as gifts, cleaned house and did laundry, called friend to check on her status in life...final load of gifts shipped off and deliver children to appropriate functions at 6-7 pm-ish!!!! Laughing all the way with a little Sonny and Cher!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Yikes! -Been tagged

8 Fav. TV Shows

Old Lucy SHows


Dancing with the Stars


HGTV--house remodeling

Ghost Whisperer



8 Fav. Restaurants

Cebolla's -Fort Wayne

Riscky's - Fort Worth

Chophouse- Fort Worth

Salt Grass- Grapevine

Panera- wherever

Bistro- Southlake

McCallisters Deli- Southlake

some mexican rest. in Keller cannot think of

8 Fav. things that happened yesterday

took back lots of presents y-day to save money

watched the sunset in Flower Mound while Kayla was riding

ate lunch with a friend

got 2 big hugs from Gretchen

woke up in the a.m.....


got to bed early


8 Things looking forward to

always Friday!

going somewhere carribean like with my main squeeze

being out of debt!!!!!

looking for new vehicle in 1-2 years

Stephanie getting accepted to BYU and going there


Christmas and New years Eve

Sleeping in....

8 things on wishlist

friends from Indiana coming to visit!!! HINT

Mike's job would be less stressful

Susan could find better job on off days from preschool

the other 5???????

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving-- Skeans Style

Here goes our day....woke up at 6:40 am to rescue roll dough that left out all night -oops. Hurried to punch it down and refrig. for 1 1/2 hrs.. Then started organizing Turkey day when what was going in oven etc.. Whew! Now watch the macy's parade because that is what you do ...at least Kayla and me. yeah us. While cooking, baking, and watching parade better organize Christmas lights and trees etc.. Cause you know... gotta get the lights up. Kayla and gretchen took the task of checking lights while I scrimmaged for stuff and con't cooking and baking and not over doing it!!! LOL--are you with me???? Stephanie is learning how to dress a table mom style or maybe Martha Stewart way...but not liking what I had in mind and did it Stephanie style...ehh okay. I gave in. Gretchen learned how to make green bean casserole for her dad and prepare the ham for her dad too. Then learned learned about cranbery sauce yummo !!! - for mom of course. Okay, 4 dozen rolls are ready to bake... lemon for meringue pie is waiting ...turkey looks fabulous... oh no sweet potatoes oh well less to work off!!! The corn made it...the mashed potatoes were warm but not hot... and nothing was overcooked or whatever could possibly go wrong in this chaos I created and generated. All the light swere up out side with Kayla's help and creativity...MOm help too!!!! Is it nap time??? Nope...time to make chocolate pie and meringue. LOL-really now. Then we went to our friends the Polings for dessert. Oh that was good fixins!!!! The guys and 2 of my daughters went outside to pay basketball cause you knwo...its 68 degrees or something like that!!! Oh did I say Mike and Stephanie played church friendly footabll in am with mr. Poling??? No injuries ---yes!!!! Okay--now back to basketball...Mike got injured by falling to ground on POlings stone/pebbled driveway...he tripped ober big foot Stephanie...LOL -are you with me now??? he came into house needing medical attention...luckily I could help with that and tened his hand wounds...now I just have to fix the hole in his pants!!!!!

SO HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO US!!!! Here are some pics.....